Effergrip Denture Adhesive cream Review
Effergrip denture adhesive gives the confidence to wear the denture whole day long. You can have your food, drink as much as you can, laugh like hell and talk endlessly with the help of Effergrip denture adhesive. It reduces the chance of slippage of denture in the mouth.
Things to know before buying Effergrip Denture Adhesive –
- No Zinc – Most of the denture pastes have zinc. According to a research, zinc can be hazardous to life if the quantity is more. But the good thing about this is there is absolutely zero zinc content in Effergrip adhesive. The adhesive stands strong throughout the day even without Zinc.
- ADA accepted – The reason why Effergrip adhesive gets good reviews is because it is free of zinc and it has a seal of ADA ( American Dental Association). It is accepted by the ADA which makes it even better than the rest of its kind. The seal of ADA acceptance on the pack grabs the attention of people because of the perception that if it is ADA approved means it is safe to use.
- Longer hold – The dentures get a strong seal and stay in place for longer than the usual duration. It claims that it has extra strength for which dentures do not move out.
- More Quantity – It comes in a tube which has 2.5 oz (70 g) of paste in it. It easily will last for a month if used twice a day regularly.
- Tasteless and Odorless – The adhesive paste is completely devoid of any substance that gives color and flavor. The paste might not be pleasant because it is tasteless.
- Cost effective – The denture cream comes at a price range that can be bought by people from all range. It is worth for the amount of paste present in the tube.
- Messy Removal – The only cons of this adhesive is that the removal of the cream might be a lengthy and untidy procedure if not applied in the right amount.